Who The Hell Am I?


I am Miss Relaxed. 

And I know it really does not matter if I introduce myself to you or not because this blog is pretty new and I am sure no one has found me yet. I am definite that you would be reading this blog post atleast a month after I post. That means the first comment I might get is probably after a month or two after I post!

Now if by any chance you have read this far & if you are wondering who the hell am I.......And what value do I have to offer in this already dense world of blogging.....then fret not, I am not here to follow mass or to be a blogger. I am here to simply talk to you!

Yes you read that right! To be very honest I have no great value to offer you or no no creative contents other than posting about how to life life positively and without stress, about dramatic life of mine and what lessons I have learned and about your stories and your creative works! 

But other then this I might also do something random like I would post thought provoking contents, about youtubers, bloggers, people or what I think about social media!

Now if you are still confused about who am I ? And what the hell I am thinking of doing with this blog......then let me remind you do this I am your virtual friend whom you have never seen or met before but you can rely on when things don't go right. I am that person who just talks without thinking but whatever I am talking about feels relatable to you because you are having the same issue or going through the same problems! I am your friend who will give you a virtual hug and virtual shoulder to cry!

I am simply here just to remind you to be relaxed, happy and positive!
So, if you have loved reading so far then please promise to let this blog a community and not a blog!

This blog is not a blog, I want it to be a community where people can just talk, cry, vent and share their problems! 

So, that's it for today! But I wanted to ask you one thing before clicking the publish button...Are you ready to turn this blog in to a community?


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