What Might People Think?

When I was thinking of hitting the publish button yesterday, I was like talking to my self! It might sound crazy but I was literally having a self talk! 

Is it worth it? Is anyone going to read it? Does my blog look great? Is it professional? Does my writing skill not great enough ? Is anyone going to relate to my content? 

I have been basically overthinking! I have been worried about many things lately! One of them is what people might think? So, yeah for as long as I remember using social media and any form of other public platforms & communication channels I have always been self doubting and worried about other people's judgement. Even now when I write this I cannot deny the fact that I am extremely scared that I would be discovered by someone in my family or friends soon.

I am definite that this is a very common feeling every new youtuber/blogger/social media influencer feels the very first time they post! But why the hell are we so worried about judgement of people? Is it because we are on a quest to impress people ? On social media, blog, youtube most of these people are strangers who are literally minding their own damn business. Not all of them are our friends and family. And even if our family and friends sees us sharing excellent contents with the world what difference does i make? Why is their opinion so valuable to us?

I have been thinking about all these immediately after I hit the publish button yesterday. And I realized that after writing my first ever post, it kind of feels like a huge burden has been lifted off. I kind of feel like I moving slowly yet taking my first step towards becoming a master at being unbothered and not giving a f*uck! After thinking about why most new influencers or digital content creators feels that they are being judged, I could think of one explanation!

And that explanation is that we, the small creators are mostly looking for validation. We are not thinking of giving value to people, we just want others to praise us, think of us as perfect and think of us as important person in digital social circle! 

We are scared about what family or friends might think and that is because we always wanted them to see us as successful, happy, established and perfect but  we don't really feel these deep inside! Also we are scared of their opinion because we don't want them to see us fail. But isn't failure part of life? Then why are we scared of family and friends seeing us fail? That is because we don't want them to make fun of us or laugh us.... But again why them laughing bothers us? Is our only goal in this digital world to seek validation, seek praise and not put out actual value.

If we are really out there putting out value and helping people then why the hell should we care about what people might think when they see our post? Our only concern should be making our content as best as possible. Our concern should not be about why am I not getting likes from my extended family and friends in my latest travel post...or why did my friend gave a haha reaction on my "how to wear leopard print" post.....

We as content creators should be strong and stop saying "What might people think?". We should only worry about making our content best and stop with the self doubt.

If you are a new content creator or thinking of becoming a content creator and if you are having this thought about "What might people think?" then please do this instead:

1. Write down what you are feeling
2. Look at the mirror and tell yourself that you can do it.
3. Remind yourself why you are doing in the first place.
4. To release anxiety simply meditate or do some exercise (walking out in nature really helps)
5. Count from 5,4,3,2,1 and start working. Trust me, this Mel Robbin's idea has always done wonders in my life!

If you agree with me about my thoughts on "What might people think?" then please comment whether you have ever experienced it and how did you tackle this issue?

I would love to learn your ideas too and apply them myself!


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